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You can find more information in the "FAQ" and "Terms & Conditons". 1st day of subscription is Free. After: 1263 so’m UZS per day.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is “Fluent Worlds”?

Fluent Worlds is an American startup available on AppStore and Play store giving users the ability to learn English in 3D Game. The service will open an opportunity for Ucell subscribers to get access to the product by subscription with a small amount paid by mobile balance. The service will work on a daily subscription and users subscribed to the service will get access to the premium version of the product by daily payment. If daily payment/charge will be failed, the user's access will be closed to the service until the next successful payment.


How can I join to the service?

All subscribers of the Ucell Operator can join to the “Fluent Worlds”. To subscribe to the service, user should send FW or 1 to the short number 5868 or go to fw.ucell.uz and pass authorization on the page. On the authorization page, the user must enter his mobile phone number in a special field. After entering the number, the user receives a one-time PIN code, and the service is activated only after the subscriber enters the received PIN code in the field on the same page.

In response to his subscription request, the subscriber receives a free welcome SMS message with a link to the service, as well as about the rules of the subscription.


How do I use the “Fluent Worlds”?

After activating the subscription, the subscriber needs to go to the fw.ucell.uz or to Appstore/Play store to download the “Fluent Worlds” and pass again authorization inside of the App by its mobile phone number. Please, don’t forget to choose your language in the beginning and choose your country phone code before the entering your mobile number.


What is the language of the service?

You can choose SMS communication language for yourself.  The default language of the service is Uzbek. To change the language to the Russian, please, send the keyword - RUFW to the short number 5868. To return to the Uzbek language, send the keyword - UZFW to the short number 5868.

You have a possibility to choose your language inside of the “Fluent Worlds” application as well before the authorization.


How much does the Service cost?

At the first connection, all subscribers get access to the service for free for 1 day. From the second day, 1263 sums (including VAT) are charged daily from the account for a subscription.

If the user's balance is insufficient for the daily subscription, his / her access to the service will be blocked until the next successful payment.

If the subscriber stops his subscription and then reconnects, then upon reconnection, the subscription fee is charged from the day of connection.


Why do I need to subscribe to the service?

Only subscribers who have subscribed to the service can use the “Fluent Worlds” for just 1263 UZS per day.


How can I unsubscribe from the service?

To deactivate the service, it should be sent a free SMS with the word “STOPFW” to the service number 5868.


Learn English in immersive 3D environments, as you explore everyday scenarios.

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